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需要哪个文物的英文翻译,直接去博物馆官网里找就好下面图片有几个例子,博物馆翻译应该官方一点吧。附送一个B站里面的有人翻译的英文字幕版家宝藏 英文字幕家宝藏 National Treasure Ep.01千里江山图A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains
1.千里江山图 A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains
2.各种釉彩大瓶 Large Vase with Variegated Glazes 没在Wiki上找到,求指正
3.石鼓Stone Drums of Qin
1.越王勾践剑 Sword of Goujian
2.云梦睡虎地秦简 Shuihudi Qin bamboo texts 或者 Yúnmèng Qin bamboo texts
3.曾侯乙编钟 Bianzhong of Marquis Yi of Zeng 或者 Zenghouyi Bells
1.瓷 器
陶 pottery
瓷 porcelain
成熟青瓷 mature celadon
高温瓷 highfired glazed ware
低温陶 lowfired pottery
新石器时代 Neolithic Times
铅釉陶 leadglazed pottery
罐 jar
单色釉 monochrome glaze
彩色釉陶 polychrome glazed pottery
颜色釉 color porcelain
青白釉 porcelain with a bluishwhite glaze
豆青釉 beangreen
青瓷 green ware
绿釉 green glaze
白釉 white glaze
红釉 red glaze
青釉 celadon
甜白瓷 sweet white
秘色瓷 secrete color celadon
定窑 Ding ware
汝窑 Ru ware
官窑 Guan ware 还有一个官窑,意义不同,为official kiln
窑 kiln
民窑 folk kiln
三足 trilegged
青花瓷 underglaze blue design blue and whiteporcelain
釉里红 underglazed red
青花釉里红 underglaze blue red
斗彩 contrasting color designs outlined inunderglaze blue and filled in with overglaze colors
五彩 famille verte
珐琅彩 enamel decorate
胎体 clay body
陶片 pottery shards
弦纹 with string pattern
镂孔 with openwork design
曲折纹 with zigzag pattern
圆圈纹 with ring pattern
鸟纹 with bird pattern
缠枝纹 with interlaced floral design
刻花 with carved design
划花 with incised design
堆塑 with modeled design
堆贴贴花 with applied design
印花 with moulded design
剔花 with raffito design
几何纹 with geometric pattern
透雕 openwork
露胎贴 unglazed appliqué
绞胎 marbled pottery
堆纹 modeling
压印 impressing
贴印 appliqué
加彩 coloring
剔地 cutoff ground
剪纸贴花 papercut
油滴斑 oildrop iron crystals
白地黑花 black design on a white ground
元素 agent such as copper, iron
碎片 fragment
灰胎黑陶衣 grey clay with a black coating
烧成温度 firing temperature
光 luster
苏麻离 Smalt
黑斑 speckle
粗瓷石 crude China ston
涩胎瓷雕 unglazed ceramic sculpture
雕刻 engrave
加工 refining
成型 modeling
装饰 decorating
烧成 fining
补水 watersupplying
勾线 drawing
打箍 hooping
青花料 cobalt
龙窑 dragon kiln
柴窑 wood kiln
炉膛 hearth
氧化期 oxidation period
陈腐 aging
揉泥 kneading
拉坯 throwing
修坯 trimming
印模 impressing
叠烧 upstacked firing
镏金 gilt bronze
爵 wine vessel
鼎 food vessel 所有的青铜器名称不宜用拼音介绍,最好介绍其用途
兽面纹 animal mask
戈 daggeraxe
饰品 ornament
范 clay molds
分铸 casting in several pours
合金铸造 bimetallic casting
4.雕 塑
舍利 sarira
袈裟 Gauze Kasaya
莲瓣纹 with carved lotus petals
画像石 painted stone relief
拜火教 parseeism
陶俑 pottery figurine pottery
木俑 painted wood
天王 Lokapala heavenly guardian
镇墓兽 tomb guardian beast
辟邪 evil spirit exorciser
石碑 stele
泥塑 clay
5.绘 画
水墨画 ink and wash
壁画 fresco
图卷 hand scroll
图册 album leaves
图轴 hanging scroll
高僧 lofty monks
人的字 designated name
人的号 literary name
墓室 coffin chamber
蜡染 batik
漆器 lacquer ware
竹器 bamboo plaited vessel
宝座 throne chair
柜子 cabinet
屏风 screen set
刀币 swordshaped coin
布币 spadeshaped coin
藏品 collection
赝品 shoddy substitute
收藏家 collector
一级文物 gradeone cultural relic
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